Sunday 31 August 2014

Powering the continent: the counterfactuals – diesel power generation

Over the last couple of posts we have been looking at the status of various power generation technologies in Africa, their current status of deployment, cost competitiveness and long term potential to contribute to powering the continent.

In this post and in the next couple of posts, we assess the counter-factual – that is the status quo means for generating electricity, particularly in rural off-grid locations.

Besides firewood, one of the commonest sources of energy or power is small scale diesel powered generators. By assessing the equivalent cost of generating using diesel on a country by country basis we can compare with the costs of most of the renewable technologies assessed.

This approach is not novel (see for instance Szabo et al, Energy solutions in rural Africa: mapping electrification costs of distributed solar and diesel generation versus grid extension, Environ. Res. Lett. 6 (2011) 034002 (9pp)).

The Figure below shows retail diesel prices in Africa, as of November 2012, in UScents/litre as reported by GIZ, the German Agency for International Cooperation.

Retail diesel prices in Africa, as of November 2012, UScents/litre – GIZ International Fuel Prices, 8th Edition

Source: International Fuel Prices, 2012/13, GIZ (German Agency for International Cooperation), 8th Edition, see

As highlighted by the GIZ report, most North African (and oil producers) have historically tended to subsidize fuel prices. However, across the continent, most countries do not subsidize diesel prices. I have converted these prices to a levelised cost equivalent for diesel generation - by country as shown below.

Estimated cost of diesel power generation in Africa, $/MWh

In this chart, we compare the equivalent cost of power generation using retail-priced diesel against solar PV and wind as described in previous posts.

Conclusions: Across the continent both solar and wind are currently generally cost competitive against diesel powered generation (assuming delivered diesel prices). In fact in most cases, the case for renewables is overwhelming.

In future posts we'll consider some of the barriers as to why we are not seeing a significant uptake despite the obvious economic case and the regulatory and policy recommendations to overcome those barriers.

Saturday 23 August 2014

Powering the continent: Wind power in Africa

This post continues our series reviewing the status of various power generation technologies in Africa, their current status of deployment, cost competitiveness and long term potential to contribute to powering the continent.

Wind power is a widely deployed renewable technology with 318,105 MW of capacity installed worldwide as at the end of 2013 – with 35,289 MW was installed in 2013 alone (GWEC*).

Wind technology description

Wind energy has been successfully exploited for hundreds of years (e.g. to pump water). Modern wind turbines convert wind energy using wind turbines to produce electrical power. Energy in the wind turns 2-3 propeller-like blades around a rotor. The rotor is connected to the main shaft, which spins a generator to create electricity.

Wind turbines are mounted high on a tower to capture the most energy (these can be very high - total height for Vestas V164-8MW is approximately 220m high).  At such distances they can exploit faster and less turbulent wind (EERE**).

KenGen Ngong Hills Wind farm

Source: Thanks to EmmandKeith's Blog, see

Onshore wind - Installed capacity and projects under construction in Africa

Wind power is relatively new to the continent but its deployment is poised for significant take-up. As at the end of 2013, the continent has 1,200 MW of capacity installed (GWEC).  As shown below, there are significant pockets around North Africa, the horn of Africa and the Southern tip of the continent with good wind speeds that would enable considerable deployment.

Wind resource potential in Africa...

Source: E. BartholomÄ—, et al, The availability of renewable energies in a changing Africa Assessing climate and non-climate effects, Joint Research Centre of the European Commission, 2013, see

Despite the considerable deployment, deployment remains low. There are approximately 60 projects either completed, under construction or proposed with a capacity of 3,320MW (should all the announced projects go ahead, an additional 2,120 MW would be added).

Wind deployment in Africa (projects in operation, under construction or in the pipeline)

Source: The Wind Power, and other news sources

Onshore cost competitiveness and commentary on its potential

Onshore wind has the advantage that it is scalable – it is feasible to develop anywhere from a single turbine to hundreds of turbines. It can therefore be used to power isolated communities or to connect to the grid.

It is also cost effective and relatively commercially mature compared to other renewable technologies. At a levelised cost of $80/MWh, it is cheaper than new hydro plants at $84/MWh; solar thermal and PV at $243/MWh and $130/MWh respectively. It is also competitive against coal ($96/MWh).
Despite these advantages, it is intermittent and not dispatachable (unless backed up with battery storage).

Costs of wind, and other power generation technologies in $/MWh 

Source: EIA, Levelised Cost of New Generation Resources in Annual Energy Outlook 2014, April 2014

Conclusion: Wind has considerable potential in the continent and we believe it should be firmly in the menu of choices for countries with good wind speeds.


*Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC), Global Wind Report, Annual Market Update 2013, see

**US Department of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE), How does a wind turbine work? See

Saturday 16 August 2014

Powering the continent: Solar Photovoltaics in Africa

This post is part of a series reviewing the status of various power generation technologies in Africa, their current status of deployment, cost competitiveness and long term potential to contribute to powering the continent.

Solar Photovoltaics (PV) converts solar energy directly into electricity using a PV cell made of a semiconductor (or thin film), as illustrated below.

PV is the most widely-deployed, power generation technology, with 139,155 MW of capacity installed at the end of 2013 - 37,000 MW installed in 2013 alone.

PV technology description

Illustration of a solar PV system

Source: SBC Energy Institute, Solar  Photovoltaic, September 2013

PV power systems are usually classified according to two major types – those that are grid connected, that is convert direct current (DC) to alternative current (AC) in order to connect to the grid; and (b) those that are off grid – installed mainly to supply isolated areas or to create mini-grids (occasionally with generator back-up).  DC/AC conversion is not needed where system is only supplying a single point.

There are three commercially proven types of PV technologies at varying stages of maturity, with assorted prospects for the continent.

  • Crystalline, silicon-based PV- this is the main commercially deployed PV technology and is the most efficient technology today. It accounts for 85-90% of all installed capacity. 
  • Thin films – made from semi-conductors deposited in layers on a low-cost backing, and are less efficient, but cheaper. They account for 10-15% of capacity.
  • Concentrated PV (CPV) - use mirrors or lenses to concentrate and focus solar radiation on high-efficiency cells.  

PV potential in the continent

Most parts of the African continent are endowed with abundant sunshine.  As the Figure below highlights, the levels of global radiation measured in terms of kWh/M2 – the darker the red shading the higher the radiation – and the higher the potential. Compare the shading for instance with Europe, which despite limited potential has been on the vanguard of solar deployment globally.


PV installed capacity and projects under construction in Africa.

Despite the abundance of potential highlighted, solar PV deployment is limited.  There is a small volume of off grid capacity installed that (difficult to quantify). However, from various sources, we believe as of to-date, there is 1,154MW of capacity operating or under construction. Of these, 83% or 952.3MW is in South Africa.

There is a further 2,055MW capacity that has been proposed or is in some stage of planning.
The diagram below shows all the known projects that are in operation, under construction, or proposed.

Source: and other news sources

PV cost competitiveness and commentary on its potential

Solar PV has the advantage that it can be utilized off-grid and in small scale. However, at a levelised cost of $130/MWh, it is considerably more expensive than hydro at $84/MWh; geothermal ($48/MWh); coal ($96/MWh) or gas ($66/MWh).  It is also intermittent and not dispatachable (unless backed up with battery storage).

Source: EIA, Levelised Cost of New Generation Resources in Annual Energy Outlook 2014, April 2014

Despite the advantages cited, given limited grid infrastructure in much of the continent – PV has a considerable advantage particularly for application in rural areas.  Moreover, cost competitiveness has improved dramatically and will get better, while fossil fuels are likely to become more expensive. Average module cost is currently $0.7/W - 20% of what it was in 2007). As a result, total hardware costs are an increasingly small part of total system costs.

The majority of system costs are increasingly in soft costs such as installation labor, permitting, inspection, and interconnection, overheads & margins within the supply chain. These costs depend, to a large degree, on local costs, regulatory framework in place to enable solar as well as the scale of deployment.

Concluding comments: PV has a bright future in the continent as the cost of PV declines further in coming years, we expect to see significant investment in coming years and believe it will play a major role in powering the continent.

Saturday 9 August 2014

Powering the continent: Concentrated Solar Power in Africa

This post is the second in a brief series of articles, reviewing the status of various power generation technologies in Africa, their current status of deployment, cost competitiveness and long term potential to contribute to powering the continent.

There are two main types of solar power generation - Solar Photovoltaics (PV) and Concentrated Solar Power (CSP). PV generates electricity via direct conversion of sunlight in to electricity by photovoltaic cells (i.e. conduction of electrons in semiconductors). PV is the commonest type of solar technology with approximately 134GW of capacity installed worldwide as at the end of 2013 (we discuss the current status and long term potential of PV in Africa in a future post).

CSP technologies use mirrors to concentrate the sun’s rays to heat water and generate steam. The steam is then used to drive a steam turbine to generate power similar to conventional power plants. The steam can also be used in process heat applications such as injection to oil wells to enhance oil recovery, water desalination, cooling, or industrial processes.  As at the end of 2013, there were approximately 3.6GW installed worldwide.

Technology description / illustration of solar CSP system

Source: SBC Energy Institute, Concentrating Solar Power, June 2013

CSP electricity generation is similar for the power block to conventional thermal generation, making CSP well-fitted for hybridization with complementary solar field and fossil fuel as the primary energy source.  In fact Africa is a pioneer in this type of CSP power generation – there are three hybrid solar power plants that combine conventional gas power plant and a solar field to heat steam (called Integrated Solar Combined Cycle plant (ISCC).

There are four main types of CSP technologies - described below: Solar tower; Linear Fresnel; Parabolic Trough and Stirling Dish technology.  These are briefly discussed below.

Source: SBC Energy Institute, Concentrating Solar Power, June 2013

CSP installed capacity and projects under construction in Africa.

There are at least ten CSP projects installed or under construction in Africa – with a total capacity of 530MW concentrated in four countries (South Africa, Morocco, Algeria and Egypt) as shown. 

Cost competitiveness of CSP systems and comments on its long term potential inn Africa

One of the main reasons, CSP is not widely deployed is its costs. As shown below, it is much more expensive than other power technologies with equal promise in the continent. At a levelised cost of $243/MWh, it is considerably more expensive than hydro at $84/MWh or solar PV at $130/MWh (EIA).

Moreover, unlike PV which has seen capacity deployment and consequently, significant cost reductions from economies of scale - CSP deployment remains small.

Source: EIA, Levelised Cost of New Generation Resources in Annual Energy Outlook 2014, April 2014

However, the advantage of CSP is its storage ability. Thermal storage is relatively easy to integrate into CSP projects, and allows CSP plants to smooth variability, to firm capacity and to take advantage of peak power prices. CSP also offers a lot more opportunities for localization and manufacturing of components. 

In summary, good potential, but given current costs, we don't think we'll see many new projects beyond those listed (maybe the odd one or two projects to provide diversity to renewable deployment).

Sunday 3 August 2014

Powering the continent: Geothermal power in Africa...

Last week, KenGen, Kenya’s part-state-owned generation company, commissioned 140MW of geothermal capacity with an additional capacity of 140MW expected by year end (See

The company expects to increase its installed geothermal capacity to ~600MW by year end.  With an estimated potential of 10,000MW, Kenya has set an ambitious target as part of its draft national energy strategy of installing 1,887 MW of geothermal capacity by 2017 and 5,500MW by 2030.

Picture of Olkaria Geothermal Power Plant (


In this brief series of articles, I review the status of various power generation technologies in Africa, discussing their current status of deployment, their cost competitiveness and their long term potential to contribute to powering the continent.

Potential for geothermal energy in Africa - and list of operational projects / under construction

Geothermal generation technologies use steam or hot water from natural underground reservoirs to generate electricity. According to the U.S.-East Africa Geothermal Partnership (EAGP), East Africa has an estimated 15,000 MW of potential geothermal capacity. Most of the resource potential is clustered in five countries – Ethiopia, Kenya, Djibouti, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Uganda.

As shown below, much of the potential is clustered in the Great Rift Valley in Eastern Africa, an area of active continental rift zone that is in the process of splitting into two tectonic plates.

Geothermal provides low carbon electricity with minimal variable costs. It is cost competitive with natural gas and coal in the region, although it has high capital costs which have hindered wider deployment.

Capital costs range from $4.4M -6.2M per MW or 5-7 times the cost of a conventional gas plant (EIA). However, taking into account fuel costs and full cycle costs of the plant, geothermal is cost competitive against most technologies.

Cost competitiveness of geothermal and comments on its long term potential inn Africa

Geothermal's levelised cost (the price at which electricity must be generated to break even over the lifetime of the project) in the US is approximately $48/MWh compared to coal at $96/MWh or conventional gas at $66/MWh and hydro at $84/MWh. Although these are US-centric cost estimates, East Africa site specific costs are broadly comparable which highlights the commercial viability of geothermal.

So what’s holding investment?  The capital cost intensity of geothermal means that it requires substantial upfront investment –a substantial part of the capex is to drill wells and is not risk less with a failure rate of 20%. Moreover, lack of an enabling framework for investment (outside Kenya) means fewer exploration and surface studies, appraisal drilling and feasibility studies etc.

In Africa, geothermal has the potential to provide an additional low-carbon baseload source of electricity to countries reliant on hydro at competitive costs. We see its potential – Kenya is investing heavily and it’s likely that it will have up to 1,000MW by 2020. Beyond Kenya we see one or two large scale projects in Ethiopia.

Notes / Sources:
EIA – Overnight capital costs; Annual Energy Outlook 2014 - Levelised Costs for New Generation sources, 2019
Geothermal Energy in Africa,
Norton Rose & Fulbright, Geothermal energy in East Africa, May 2013